Monday, December 15, 2008

First Timers

Well here we go fam dam! I am not much of a communicator but I figured since everyone else was doing it that I would hop on the bandwagon and give it a whirl.

As you may or may not know we have moved to Tennessee and are enjoying it immensely. It is quite the change going from gorgeous mountains and snow and living in the city to rolling hills, no mountains and having property and space.

The kids get to ride the bus to school and hate every minute of it!! Apparently the bus driver is ornery and yells a lot....sounds like home if you ask me!

Steevi is in middle school now and has 9 different classes. She has boat loads of homework each night and plays the saxophone.

Beau and Jessi like school but hate the fact they only have one recess and have to stay inside most of the time because it's so cold.

Alli and Brooklyn and best friends and can destroy the entire house in less than an hour. They are mini tornadoes wrapped in very cute little packages!! They are constantly changing clothes and love to run around in their swimming suits.

Jaremy and I just celebrated our 11 th Anniversary Saturday and took a nice trip into Nashville for dinner. How the time flies.


  1. I'm so glad you decided to jump on the bandwagon! What a darling famiy picture! I can't wait to hear about all of your adventures in Tennessee! Love ya!

  2. what a gorgeous family! I am glad you have a blog especially since you live all the way in bfe! It will help logan and I keep updated on what's going on w/ your family. Can't wait to read some more. Love you all!


  3. Well, I'm glad you jumped on the bandwagon too! If you don't have the blog bug yet, you just wait. It is so fun to keep in touch with everyone and see what is going on in everyones life, especially those that are so far away. I am glad you are liking your new place, there's nothing like a little change to mix things up a little. After we moved a couple of times I got to where I enjoyed the change of scenery and getting to know new people and new surroundings! I can't wait to hear and see more about what you guys are up to!

  4. Alright Julie it's time for an update! Hope you guys are doing well!

  5. First timers...i am beginning to think your one-timers. In the world of blogging, that is not a good thing. Just kidding. what are you up to?

  6. Great blog. Looking at the little girl in the pink swimming suit is like looking back in time at you at that age. Wow. I had a guy send me a picture of his crotch on day and then a picture of his erection the next day. I too filed a report


Cokies Arrival

Cokies Arrival